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Rolling road tuning: Standalone ECU & Renault RS mapping

Non-genuine 3.5 bar boost sensor for Zeitronix


This is a cheaper alternative to the genuine 3.5 bar map sensor (0 to 50psi absolute) supplied by Zeitronix.

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This is a cheaper alternative to the genuine 3.5 bar map sensor (0 to 50psi absolute) supplied by Zeitronix. This sensor is also capable of displaying and logging up to 36psi of boost pressure via the Zeitronix Zt-2 controller. The sensor is capable of working with fuel and oil.

Connecting this sensor to your Zt-2 will instantly enable the digital boost display function on either your ZR-2 or LCD gauge as well as providing a boost (and vacuum) trace while recording a data log.

Supply voltage = 5vdc
0psi (absolute) output = 0.5v
50psi (absolute) output = 4.5v

Red = +5vdc (from Zt-2 or ECU)
Black = 0v (ground)
Green = signal output

The sensor has a 1/8NPT male fitting.

Incase of a custom application, the sensors are supplied with a specification and voltage vs. pressure datasheet, or the chart can be viewed here in Adobe PDF form:

Voltage vs pressure chart

Additional information

Weight 300 g
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